Nigerian man picks Nigeria over England for barber profession

During an exclusive conversation, a Nigerian barber shared his reasons for choosing to remain and practice his profession in Nigeria rather than pursuing a career in England.

When asked about his contentment with living and earning as a barber in Nigeria, he explained that there were numerous factors influencing his decision, with one significant aspect being the stark contrast in the cost of living between England and Nigeria.

Furthermore, he expressed his deep passion for his work. However, he emphasized that even if he were offered 20 Euros in England, he would still prefer earning 3,000 or 5,000 Naira in Nigeria.

His rationale was that by working in Nigeria, he could take home a more reasonable amount of income at the end of each month, whereas in England, a substantial portion of his earnings would be consumed by high expenses such as shop rent and other necessary work-related costs.

He further elaborated on the additional financial burdens he would face in England, including the need to pay for housing and various bills.

Ultimately, he concluded that the manageable expenses in Nigeria made it a more favorable option for him to live and work as a barber compared to the potential challenges he would encounter in England.


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