A last born of the house gets deeply moved to tears as her twin sisters are set to marry their life partners on the same day.
The emotional moment of the siblings was documented and posted on TikTok by @chosen_twins on the night of the sisters’ bridal shower.
In the video, the last born openly wept and remained inconsolable despite the sincere attempts of the two brides to comfort her.
The user who shared the clip disclosed that the tearful girl is the youngest member of the bride’s family and it was emotional for her to see her sisters leave at the same time.
Further investigation on the TikTok page confirmed that the twin sisters exchanged vows on the same day.
Reactions from social media users
nchetakaokafor said: “Nne allow her now, is a good thing; she will make a way for u. More luv.”
user5502438572574 said: “Na good sister we dey cry for.. “We think she’s not part of us again.”
Amipat4real said: “Not my sister. They even asked me to marry fast and leave the house.”
Adorable said: “l did this after three years she came to get now am 20 years and l live with her.”
princesspeace883 said: “This can never be my sister that girl first me pack my bag finish.”
Ruth Williams said: “They have been pampering her doing all d chores now it’s her turn to do all chores in d house.”
Watch the videos below …
@chosen_twins #tiktok #mufusatundeednut #twinswedding #bridalshower #bridetobe2023 #nigeriaweddings #asoebibella #goviral #fyp #twins #weddingh #lastborn
♬ Eyinju – Nifemi David
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