The Twitter user, identified as @King_Bangy recounts her experience with her maid who eats 2 eggs with her breakfast daily. She also recently discovered that the maid adds slices of cheese even. She concluded it was too much of a cost for her to bear.
Her tweet was replied to by another user, who said her own maid is allowed to eat anything she wants and that she doubts it’s too much.
This resulted in a clap back from the first lady.
She the conversation below;
“Last week I found out my maid has been having 2 eggs with her breakfast every day. Today found out she’s adding cheese slices to her breakfast , this not a live in maid no.she comes from her house and goes back. Isn’t it too much now? The woman works for 4 fucking hours. 08-12 hrs. Sometimes she even leaves at 9 if there’s no laundry.
@kingbangy That’s great for your maid. But unfortunately for my maid my budget is different from yours. I live with my brother and we buy groceries for two. So having to buy things twice becomes a problem for me.She literally eats everything we eat even though she just works in the morning I employed her to do my chores. She works from 8-12 and she always eats breakfast at my house. I’m not even obligated to feed her, I do it out of the goodness of my heart. If telling her not to eat one thing is inhumane then you don’t know the meaning of the word.”
See post below;
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