The screen diva posted a video online where she recalled how she woke up one day with a terrible pain in her neck.
Destiny said she initially thought it was because of the way she slept. However, she realised that was not the case after the pain persisted and even started to move around.
According to her, she decided to go to the hospital to get it checked but the doctors saw nothing wrong with her so she resorted to prayers.
However, Etiko explained that even after her pastor prayed for her as well as her mother’s pastor, nothing changed and she knew it was not an ordinary situation.
Destiny explained further that knowing the kind of industry she works in, some people could have wanted to attack her.
The movie star revealed that she had to go home to Enugu for more prayers from her mum’s pastor but it did not work so she returned to her base in Asaba.
The pain in her neck got so terrible that she started to seek mercy from God and she heard a voice telling her to talk to her creator.
The actress averred that she started to pray so fervently that she started to speak in tongues as she begged God to have mercy and remove the strife from her life.
According to her, she suddenly started to feel like cool water had been poured on her as the pain in her neck and back started to ease up.
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