Big Brother Titans housemates Ebubu and Tsatsii aka the Royals have won the fourth week’s head-of-house games.
Their role as Head of House give the pair immunity to this week’s nominations and free access to the Head of House lounge, unlike other housemates.
All housemates were involved in the game but 2 pairs made it till the last batch —the Royals (Ebubu and Tsatsii) and Maya (Marvin and Yaya)
They were asked to rearrange numbers 1 – 25 on a broad from the least to the highest. Yaya in group Maya turned her letter 5 the other way round, costing herself and partner the win. That led to the Royals win.
Recall that on Sunday, January 22 Big Brother introduced a new rule where he paired each housemate. This made each pair play the Head of House games together as a team.
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