Njeri, in a video message, told off Baba Talisha, for allegedly claiming that he was aware of their family issues.
She further gave a go ahead to those who want to investigate Chira’s death to do so to the nd of the matter
“Baba T na Mama T naskia sana mkiambia ati mnajua sana mambo ya familia. Hio mambo ya familia mnaujua muendelee na kusema lakini wakenya wote, wale wanajua mambo ya Brian Chira mimi nawachilia wachunguze kifo ya Brian Chira. Yule anatakwa kufuata afwatilie mpka mwisho. Mimi nawapea ruhusa.
“Wamenikosea heshima, wanaiongelesha kama watoto wao na mimi sina mtoto wa rika yao. Watoto wangu ni wakubwa kuliko hawa. Wananisumbua hata silali, hata sikuli hwataki kuniona nikiongewa na mtu wa TikTok hata mmoja hawataki mtu wa TikTok aingie hapa, sijui wanafikiria wanakuja kufanya nini,” she said.
Days ago, Baba Talisha openly hinted that Chira’s grandmother was troublesome, saying that he owes a huge apology to his grandfather.
The family of Chira’s grandfather was not actively involved with his funeral. Apparently, they did want to be associated with it, a move that saw him get buried a the place where Njeri hails from.
“The body of Chira will be buried kwenye shosho alitoka. Kwenye aliolewa walikataa mwili isiende uko and they don’t want to be associated with anything to do with the funeral. So you will not ask why kwa programs maybe kumekosa familia ingine. That’s the information I was given,” Baba Talisha said.
Related:Baba Talisha Responds To Allegations That He Squandered Late Chira’s Moneyrian
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