Believe it or not! In a crazy incident that unfolded in Kitengela, two women found themselves in the midst of a bee attack after allegedly stealing money from an elderly Kamba man.
The victims, who have remained unidentified, were reportedly attempting to return the stolen money when they were stung by a swarm of bees, which accompanied them all the way to the police station.
The two women had allegedly stolen a sum of money from an elderly gentleman, who is believed to be from Kwa Vonza in Kitui County.
It is said that the two women, carrying the ill-gotten cash with them, were determined to locate the owner and return the money in an attempt to make amends for their wrongdoing.
The bees seemed to be an unusual and almost supernatural part of this unfolding story. Witnesses reported that the bees appeared to follow the women as they made their way towards the Kitengela Police Station.
Their bizarre journey caught the attention of bystanders and passersby, who couldn’t help but wonder at the unusual and seemingly vengeful twist of fate.
Upon arrival at the police station, the two women, visibly shaken and covered in bee stings, presented the stolen money to the authorities. Their arrival, accompanied by the swarm of bees, left both the police and onlookers astonished.
It was as if the bees were serving as an unexpected form of justice, ensuring that the stolen money was returned.
Local law enforcement officers have since launched an investigation into the incident, aiming to verify the theft and ascertain the identity of the elderly man who was allegedly victimized. They are working to determine whether the bees’ presence was mere coincidence or if there is a deeper mystery behind this strange “Bee arrest.”
Two women in Kitengela alleged to be thieves accompanied by bees to the police station. We need the services of the person who did this to get back our public funds. pic.twitter.com/yOHL5UEz1V
— BRAVIN YURI (@BravinYuri) October 4, 2023
Two women attacked by a swarm of bees in Kitengela for stealing from an old man believed to be from kwa Vonza – Kitui county. They Are Carrying The Notes With Them Trying to Locate The Owner So That They Return.
FEAR KAMBAS! pic.twitter.com/BbJZJKG1xG— Omwamba 🇰🇪 (@omwambaKE) October 4, 2023
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