Man divorces wife 2 days after she fought with his mother over food ‘on their wedding day’

marriage of only two days has come to an end as the newlywed husband has filed for a divorce, citing his wife’s disrespectful behavior towards his mother.

This story was shared by Nigerian zoologist Abdullah A Abdullah, who sought advice from netizens.

Man divorces wife 2 days after she fought with his mother over food 'on their wedding day'

According to Abdullah’s account, the husband’s decision to seek a divorce was triggered by an incident that occurred during their wedding reception.

At that time, some guests from the groom’s mother’s side arrived when the available food was running out. The only remaining delicacy was a portion of food that the bride had set aside for her own parents.

The mother-in-law approached her daughter-in-law and discreetly requested some of the food to share with the newlyweds, as it seemed unfair for them to have nothing after traveling from afar.

However, the bride firmly refused, insisting that the food was meant solely for her parents.

Despite the mother-in-law’s pleas, the bride took back the food and poured it into the cooler. This action prompted the mother-in-law to slap her son’s wife, who retaliated in response. Although the husband learned about the altercation, he decided not to create a scene during the wedding reception. However, two days later, he filed for a divorce.

Abdullah mentioned that the divorce case is currently ongoing, and despite his mother’s appeals for forgiveness and reconciliation, the husband remains adamant in his decision.


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