Following the public announcement of her departure from Director Trevor’s company Kenya Online Media, formerly known as Mungai Eve Media, Mungai Eve has finally broken her silence on the matter. The renowned YouTuber and brand influencer took to her Instagram stories, from her current vacation spot in Zanzibar, to address the recent gossip in her professional life.
Mungai Eve declared that silence would be her most powerful response to the situation.
Despite the public scrutiny and speculation surrounding her abrupt exit, she made it clear that she had no intention of engaging in any arguments regarding the circumstances of her departure.
In one of her Instagram stories, Mungai Eve shared thus message, “As bad as you wanna address it. Some things are better left unsaid. I’m learning.”
Netizens believe it shows her commitment to maintaining her composure and focusing on her own personal growth amidst the turmoil.
She also emphasized her decision to move forward gracefully, without dwelling on the past.
“Sometimes the only closure you need is closing your mouth, moving on and living your best life.” She wrote in another story.
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