“Did you snatch Mercy Eke’s deal like Judy snatched Yul Edochie?”

Yesterday, reality TV star Blue Aiva made an exciting announcement, revealing that she had signed a brand ambassadorial deal with popular fashion company Payporte.

However, netizens quickly became concerned when they zoomed in on a photo of the contract held by Blue Aiva, which appeared to bear the name of Mercy Eke instead of Blue Aiva.

Did you snatch Mercy Eke's deal like Judy snatched Yul Edochie? Netizens react to Blue Aiva's payport deal with Mercy Eke's name

The social media comments surrounding the contract mix-up and the presence of Mercy Eke’s name have ignited a discussion among netizens, prompting speculation and questions regarding the deal and its terms.

The online discussions sparked by the contract photo have brought attention to the confusion surrounding Blue Aiva’s deal with Payporte.

Did you snatch Mercy Eke's deal like Judy snatched Yul Edochie? Netizens react to Blue Aiva's payport deal with Mercy Eke's name

While the exact details of the agreement and the reason for the name mix-up remain undisclosed, netizens have shared their opinions and raised intriguing questions about the situation.

As the conversation continues, it remains to be seen whether Blue Aiva or Payporte will address the contract mix-up and provide clarity on the matter.


One user @tosin commented; “Why is Mercy Eke’s name on the agreement papers? Is Blue Aiva’s real name Mercy Eke?”

Another user @skyz added; “Maybe the deal was for Mercy Eke before she snatched it the way Judy snatched Yul”

@Besty wrote; “Hmmmmmmm maybe dem no pay her well then she turned it down….

@pretty commented; “Them no see money print new agreement for her so them use Mercy Eke own”

@edadi added; “Signing deal with another person’s name is now bragging rights olodo”

@trinity wrote; “So she signed agreement when is not her name on it. How do u guys explain that. If mercy go court now she go win”

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