Big Brother, who’s the host of the reality TV show, on Saturday punished Cross, Ike, and Tolanibaj for breaking some house rules.
Last week, Ike had been issued a strike as a punishment for destroying personal items belonging to Ilebaye.

Cross had while playing with Kiddwaya last Saturday, punched the wall of the pink room, breaking it, while Tolanibaj was found guilty of constant tardinesses and responding late to Big Brother’s calls.
As punishment, the trio were asked to comb the house and find tissue paper littered around the house, then neatly roll them up and tidy the house.
Watch the video below:
Biggie messed up the house for your faves to clean 🤣🤣🤣#BBNaija pic.twitter.com/Bgn2SXcRvJ
— AE (@AssistantEbukaa) August 26, 2023
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