Akothee wasted no time in accepting a marriage proposal from her mzungu sweetheart.
The mother of five revealed why she is rushing things with her mzungu lover in a recent post on social media.
Akothee said men are few and as such she couldn’t afford to waste time when she found the man who loves her dearly.
The controversial singer likewise advised women not to waste time and say yes to marriage proposals even before the men complete proposing to them.
“Guys, I’m in love for sure. You just don’t know how I feel. You don’t know what I feel and I just don’t know how I can get you to have a taste of it but it is a beautiful feeling. You gotta be happy for me hahaha… Nimependwaaa, nimependwaaa!” Akothee wrote.
“Guys, hakuna ku-waste time. Wanaume ni wachache. Ukipata yule anakupenda na akwambie “baby I love you, will you…kabla amalizie, wewe magoti chini kwa floor. Unamalizia “…marry me,” she added.
Related: Akothee Reveals Her Wedding Plan Is In Earnest
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