Yul Edochie says as he dances with wife, Judy Austin in new video

Controversial Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie declares his comment section open as he dances joyfully with his wife, Judy Austin in new video.

Gistreel reported that Yul Edochie dragged his wife in a string of since-deleted posts for undergoing bossom enlargement surgery last year and requested to know why she has refused to drop his name even after filing for divorce.

Yul Edoche and his wife, Judy Austin
Yul Edochie and wife, Judy Austin

His first wife, May Edochie took to her Instagram page earlier today to thank her Creator amid all of the accusations.

She wrote: “Oh Lord I will never cease to praise you. Let thy will be done.

After that, Yul posted a cute video of himself and Judy Austin dancing to Flavour’s brand-new song, Big Baller, while appearing oblivious to the mayhem all around them.

The actor declared his comment section open and expected, netizens did not fail to drop their remarks.

See some reactions below:

baroness_vina: “Oh mbom ! Please God have mercy on May and Yul. Kick the Egyptian away from the life of this beautiful family. Keep them safe.”

oyokomaster: “700 comments in 10 mins, baba you be your haters nightmare.”

humble_bills: “Someone said in the midst of finished men you’re the finishest. Is that true?”


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