Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo Putri Candrawathi has been Named as Suspect.
Disampaikan Dirtipidum Bareskrim Polri Brigen Pol Andi Rian Djajadi pada kesempatan yang sama, sejauh ini Putri sudah diperiksa 3 kali.
“Seyognyanya kemarin [Putri] juga diperiksa, tapi muncul surat sakit dari dokter ybs, dan meminta istirahat 7 hari,” katanya.
Sejauh ini belum ada penangkapan terhadap Putri yang sedang sakit.
Saat ini, disampaikan Irwasum Polri Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto, Putri tengah berada di kedaiamannya akibat kondisinya tersebut.
Sejauh ini penyidik telah memeriksa 52 saksi; termasuk ahli DNA, balistik metalurgi, kedokteran forensik, analis digital, dan inafis.
“Investigators have named Sister PC as a suspect,” said Irwasum Polri Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto at the National Police Headquarters, Jl Trunojoyo.
Kasus tembak menembak GUGUR ✅️
Kasus Pelecehan seksual GUGUR ✅️
Ferdy Sambo Tersangka ✅️
Putri Candrawathi tersangka ✅️
Otak PEMBUNUHAN sudah TAMAT riwayatnya. Semua kasus jadi TERBALIK. Pelapor jadi terlapor.
HATI-HATI berhadapan sama Kamaruddin Simanjuntak.
Besides Ferdy Sambo, the National Police have named three other suspects, namely Bharada Richard Eliezer (RE), Brigadier Ricky Rizal (RR), and Strong Ma’ruf.
Ferdy Sambo plays the role of ordering Bharada E to shoot Brigadier J and fabricating the case. Meanwhile, Bharada RE played a role in shooting Brigadier J. Meanwhile, Bripka RR and KM played a role in helping and witnessing the shooting of the victim.
The four of them were charged with Article 340 regarding premeditated murder, subsidiary Article 338 concerning murder in conjunction with Article 55 in conjunction with 56 of the Criminal Code. The four suspects were also detained.
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