The dream of every artiste is to be the face of his nation, being recognised all over the world and winning awards and accolades.
I’m not seeing the Sango breed as someone that has set that kinda standard. Portable seems to be okay with the peanut he’s getting from streaming money and naming ceremony shows he’s attending.
Why Portable Will Never Pass The Local Stage?
Although the wise ones say nobody knows tomorrow and anybody can be anything at any fvcking time but it’s very easy to predict the Zazoo crooner’s future, pun intended.
You’ll agree with me that Portable has always been an artiste that doesn’t want to learn or grow from others. He’s chased so many managers away from him. No one to package him because he believes he’s good enough to lambo.
He seriously needs a manager, a professional manager to be precise. One that knows when to our music out, brainstorm a perfect music title and dope art cover to attract fans and music loves at large.
See wack artworks
Checking from his previous songs; his sense of choosing music titles is also wack. Nigerians have moved on from Fuji/Apala kind of music. What’s “Expensive OG”, “Alagbara Atijo”, “Eku Igara”? Sounds like Yoruba movie.
Do You Agree Portable Will NEVER Grow Pass Sango Level If He Continue This Way?
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