Singer, Paul Okoye of the P-Square group, has quizzed the Nigerian senate, asking where they were when the government allegedly hid palliatives meant for the people.
Slamming them for merely pretending to be spokemen for the masses regarding the deadline for the old Naira notes, Paul Okoye said they don’t really care.
Recall the Senate last Monday asked the Central Bank of Nigeria to extend the deadline for the exchange of old naira notes from the January 31 deadline to May 31, 2023.
The Senate also urged the CBN to open an exchange window where people that don’t have bank accounts can deposit their old notes.
Critising the Senate in a post on his Instagram page on Sunday, January 29, Paul ‘RudeBoy’ Okoye claimed that the federal lawmakers wouldn’t have said anything if the situation didn’t affect them. In his words:
“During pandemic, people were hungry, where was the senate when the palliative were discovered?
Same government were(sic) hiding food for their citizens, they were silent and dumb because it doesn’t affect them.
Now with the CBN naira redesign they became spokemen for the poor cos it affects them. Imagine there was no election. Aswear they won’t say pim!!
Naija wise up.
God is helping Nigerians to avoid vote buying
How they became spokesperson for the poor overnight and acting like the common man.”
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