A mother took her toddler to a hairdresser to adjust a lace frontal wig, and the video elicited conflicting opinions from netizens.

The hairdresser took her time fixing the hair on the girl’s head. At one point, the mother had to bend the girl’s head so the hairstylist could work properly.
After removing the band keeping the hair in place on her head, the hairdresser arranged it appropriately. The style was exquisite, but it was thought to be too mature for a young child.
Many people questioned the mother’s motives, and they recommended her to let the youngster enjoy her youth without putting adult haircuts on her.
Watch the video of the little girl’s
Check out some of the comments about the little girl’s hairstyle below:
@comfendy: “Lost childhood.”
@blackgurrrl: “Is that scissors not big? Well, I don’t blame the stylist.”
littledropsasooke22: “Some parents need mental care.”
@an_gel_vee: “Why won’t you just let kids be kids for goodness sake.”
@jutoks_african_fashions: “Can you all please let baby be babies? You this new-generation mum. And stop damaging the kid’s brains in the name of fashion.”
@thislolagirl: “Throw the mum and hairdresser in jail.”
@herbal_affairs_empire: “Let kids be kids!”
@nickodus_stitches: “When Pablo marry Pablet = Pablettin.”
@thereal_blondie: “Why won’t they let children be kids? What happened to beautiful beads?”
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