He also insists that just because their opinions may differ, it doesn’t mean that anyone is unhappy.
We’ve previously reported on several interactions online involving SZA and her label, Top Dawg Entertainment, particularly with its president, Terrence Punch Henderson. He’s taken some heavy hits from both SZA and her fans as he’s often been blamed for her record not being released, and in a conversation with Vulture, he admitted that he understood the backlash he has received.
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“We know exactly when its coming out. But on the internet, you only get a certain amount of characters. You dont have time to really go into a full explanation of whats going on like that when youre in the moment and tweeting something,” said Punch. He also addressed why he released and later deleted a statement about the delay. “I looked at the response, and the statement wasnt good enough for a lot of people so I just pulled it back. Its cool. Ill keep silent.”
Vulture said that the people want to know whether or not SZA is happy. “Is she happy? Id say so. Last album, triple platinum. Very successful. Im not sure exactly what youre asking. Do you feel like shes happy?” asked Punch. The outlet mentioned that SZA has publicly stated that there was contention with her label.
“Context is super-important. And you have to know the person, how something that reads online can be different from how somebody said it or meant it; it could be lighthearted,” Punch said. “What happens is people put a story into their own narrative and create a situation thats not really there. Im not going to say theres never been contention. Theres always contention, especially when youre dealing with creative. Difference in opinions, it happens, but that doesnt mean somebody is unhappy or anything. It couldve been a conversation in the moment. Then a lot of speculation happens.”
“I get it. We have to remember that context is important and you never get the full story through tweets.”
Phillip Faraone / Stringer / Getty Images
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