Taking to social media, Vidi Aldiano, shared a video showing the moment he went down on his knee, bought out a ring and proposed to Jessica Mila Agnesia.
Jessica Mila Agnesia said ‘yes’ as she accepts the engagement ring. The proposal has become the talk of the town in Indonesia and Vietnam.
Vidi Aldiano wrote: “Gue masih inget dulu sempet berdoa bersama @jscmila saat sama-sama masih lajang, supaya Tuhan bisa mempertemukan kita masing-masing dengan pasangan yang tepat di waktu yang terbenar bagi-Nya. Dan hari ini, Tuhan menjawab doa itu.
“CONGRATULATIONS @jscmila & @yakuphasibuan! Dua anak Tuhan yang langka, berhati super baik dipertemukan dan dijanjikan hari ini! Berdoa selalu untuk ketentraman, kebahagiaan, dan kemulusan jalan kalian berdua kedepan! I’m so happy to be able to witness this beautiful moment! Love you two!
English: “o I still remember praying with @jscmila when we were still single, so that God could meet each of us with the right partner at the right time for Him. And today, God answered that prayer. – CONGRATULATIONS @jscmila & @yakuphasibuan! Two rare, super kind-hearted children of God met and promised today! Praying always for peace, happiness, and smoothness of your journey ahead! I’m so happy to be able to witness this beautiful moment! Love you two!”
Video below:
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