US-based Comedian Elsa Majimbo Claims She Is Being Investigated For Fraud

US-based Kenyan Comedian Elsa Majimbo has claimed that her bank accounts have been frozen and that she is being investigated for fraud.

According to her, the authorities targeted her after she spend a lot of money during a single shopping.

“I went on a shopping bender and spent so much they froze my accounts and did a financial review for fraud. You just have to thank God for some problems I guess,” she shared on X.

In a separate video on Instagram, Elsa told off those who claim that she is unrelatable. The 22-year old said that she had worked so hard to stay out  of touch and there was no going back

“A lot of people are saying that I am unrelatable. You are talking to a person whose only form of transportations is limos and escalators. You talking to the same person whose daily routine is shopping and partying. Literally it is the only thing I did yesterday and the only thing I have planned to do today. You are talking to the same person who has her cards frozen because I spend so much , they are literally investigating me fraud.,”

“Who are you talking to right now? I don’t want to be relatable. I have worked so hard to be out of touch, you want to take me back there? I rebuke it, I rebuke you,” Elsa said.

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