In a viral video, the mom and her toddler said they had not eaten in four days.
She had her infant strapped to her back when she collapsed.
She stated that she attempted to come out to hawk clean water in order to earn money to purchase food before collapsing from weariness.
Check out the video below.
In other news Woman blasts school owners andadministratorswho overwhelm students with homework, as she lectures them on the main purpose of mid-term break.
On TikTok, a woman going by the handle Warrimom1 dragged schools of giving their pupils excessive amounts of homework and projects to complete during breaks.
Woman lectures pupils on the primary goal of midterm break and calls out schoolownersand administrators who overwhelm them with homework.
On TikTok, a woman going by the handle Warrimom1 accused schools of giving their pupils excessive amounts of homework and projects to complete during breaks.
The mother said that midterms are a time for a child’s brain to relax and take a break from academic work.
She pointed out that rather of letting children get some rest, schools typically have a practice of giving them too much homework and projects.
A few social media users have started expressing their personal views in the comment sections. Everyone seems to agree that children should get a little break.
See some reactions below…
@Emmanuel Hope stated: “This woman don finally Speak my mind ”
@God is King noted: “Madam speak for ur kids… I even ask my boy if he was given projects from school. The age they are now is for study and study he shall.”
@Dora shared: “As a teacher I don’t even give assignments during holiday because I believe Holiday is a time for kids to rest”
@Amina’s ismail penned: “Sometimes they will go small pikin homework wey me self no fit solve”
@Mummy jay said: “I think every school need to see this . My 3 years old son With 5 different assignments ”
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