Today, December 4th, makes it 18years since he died in 2004.
Taking to Instagram, Stella shared a video collage of their loved life, she revealed how speechless she is over him.
She recounted how they always gisted, laughed, played games and did everything together.
Stella appreciated him for all he taught them and how he showed her true love.
“It’s been 18 years since you left us. I still can’t find the words to express how I feel. Some days are good and others are hard. Oh Jay! So much has happened that I wish I could gist you at 2 am when we share our gist and laugh so hard. Sitting on the floor of our bedroom and playing games was the highlight of my day. Listening to you talk about work, our future plans, your books, our music, the girls, always made me look at you in awe. Our children turned out right JAY. Thank you for all you taught me. You made me experience what true love is supposed to be. I will never forget. My teddy bear, my lover, the husband of my youth, my gist partner and padi, my music teacher, my mentor, oh how I miss you. You will never be forgotten. There can never be another like you. Rest in peace my love. Till we meet again”.
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