Popular singer Speed Darlington describes the attributes he desires along with his own successes, as he begins his quest for a marriage.

Sharing a photo with the caption “Wife Wanted” on social media, he also lists the criteria he is searching for, such as her complexion, weight, height, age, and desire for a virgin, among others.
While on the other side of the photo, he exhibited his successes such as owning six pieces of land, having access to the United States, driving an 18-year-old Mercedes, having more clothing than he needs, and so on.

See reactions from netizens below:
dieu_dara wrote: “More shirt than I need is a flex 😂😂😂😂”
thefoodnetworking2 noted: “You forgot to add that she must ready to be a backup singer and your best cheerleader…Bengdengdengdeng 😎”
egho16 asked: “Is the land that Chinasa took among the 6 plots? He has to clarify please so applicants will know if it’s 6 or 5 plots he has.”
bundle said: “I like the fact that he is honest and plain”
berrywhyte12 stated: “Looks more like obituary postal 😂😂”
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