Size 8 Storms Muthangari Police Station, Causes Chaos After DJ Mo Is Arrested

Size 8 tried to intimidate police officers after DJ Mo was arrested for a traffic offense.

DJ Mo was arrested by traffic police officers for driving without a car license plate. When asked to produce his driver’s license he said to the officer, “kwani hunijui, check my DL online, kwani unatumia katululu.”

Mo was driving his vehicle while in the company of his wife and a third party.

A traffic police in a reflector approached them and as celebrities they thought it was just a fun who wanted a selfie with them.

On the contrary, the traffic officer stopped him because the car he drove lacked a license plate.

When asked, DJ Mo thought being a celebrity everyone knew him and thus tried to intimidate the officer.

The situation became dramatic when the officer asked DJ Mo for his driving license and he told him to look for it online.

The police officer did not have a smart phone and DJ Mo made fun of him saying maybe it was the reason he couldn’t verify the license online.

The tension became intense when the police officer asked DJ Mo to follow him to Muthangari police station.

At the station, Size 8 caused drama as she tried to intimidate officers with her celebrity status. The couple demanded to be treated with respect.

“That is very wrong, we are Kenyans,” Size 8 shouted at the police station.



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