@AjosYCebollas así el choque sobre Insurgentes Centro en Santa María La Ribera entre un metrobús, un vehículo particular y un camioneta legumbrera con saldo de tres personas lesionadas. (Read More Here).
According to information from the Fire Department of Mexico City, carambola was recorded between a Metrobús unit and other vehicles on Insurgentes Norte Avenue, at the height of the Buenavista neighborhood, in the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office .
CDMX firefighters work in a collision between two private cars and Metrobús in Eje 1 Insurgentes, Buenavista neighborhood, in the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office; 6 people are reported to have been injured , ” their post read.
Six more vehicles were affected. Emergency teams assessed 5 injured. Avoid the area”, indicated Civil Protection of the capital.
Information reads: “Accidente sobre Insurgentes y Buenavista.
El semáforo estaba en rojo 🚦los coches estaban detenidos.
El coche rojo invadio el carril del Metrobús, el MB se freno por el semáforo.
El coche rojo venía a exceso de velocidad, calculando una velocidad + 80 km/h.”
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