Sikolia came clean about his departure from Citizen TV while speaking on his YouTube Channel.
The journalist revealed that he walked into the HR office in July 2020 and tendered his resignation letter because he had secured another job.
“Sometime in July 2020 and the Covid pandemic is here, many things are happening there were a lot of lockdowns here and there and then one morning I walk into the office of the Human Resource (HR) manager at Citizen TV holding a brown envelope and I tendered my resignation,” Sikolia said.
He added that the HR manager wondered why he was resigning at Citizen TV yet Royal Media House is the bests media house in Kenya.
“The Human Resource manager looked at me and she was like why? She wondered why because truthfully I was at the best media house, I was enjoying my career. I was growing up as a journalist, I had the best managers in terms of news management.”
Sikolia explained that Citizen TV’s management didn’t want to let him go when he tendered in his resignation letter because of the projects he was handling.
“Deep in my heart I had already made the decision that I was moving and I was leaving Citizen TV. I remember we had several meetings with Joe Ageyo who was my boss, he was the editorial director at Citizen TV. He really wanted me to remain because we were coming up with several documentaries, series,” he sai.
Enock Sikolia quit Citizen TV to China’s CTGN African. He explained that he joined the Chinese station because he wanted to work for an international media house.
“I wanted to experience international journalism. I had worked at NTV for six years, worked at K24 for four months, Citizen for two years – a combined more than eight years experience working on the local platforms,” he said.
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