A young man gets promoted from being a security officer to a supervisor on his first day on the job for simply being cute.
A video making the rounds on social captured the unexpected moment a rookie on the job gets a promotion because of his looks.

In the video, the enthusiastic security officer faced an intense interview with his boss who asked about his past jobs before his current.
At the end of the interrogation, the boss emphasized how fine he was to be on an entry level. Hence, he offered to upgrade him to the position of supervisor.
“Pray for grace. First day as a security officer he got promoted instantly to a supervisor,” the caption read.
Reactions trailing security officer who got promoted for being cute
austine uwakwe said: “His smile alone will attract anyone to him. smiling and mentaining eye contact was the key. God’s Grace seales the deal for him.”
Ehiz opined: “Something like this happened to me some years back when I was working in hotel, within 2 months I was promoted to a manager without experience”
Mr. Smith🇳🇬 stated: “i feel for the other security guy😥 what an emotional trauma 😥”
Alonso Fabs added: “He’s too fine, he’s too fine, no open him yash ooo”
King Ramsey👑 noted: “na so God take dey bless person….unmerited favour…e just be like film😂😂😂congrats man”
Mikezodox penned: “The foundations of failure.On what basis is he being promoted to the position of supervisor? Cos he looks “too fine n cute”? Where is the experience?”
Watch the video below …
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