Popular Instagram twerker, Jane Mena has confirmed that trying to hold a man down with Jazz (Juju) does not work.
This follows a trending video of a 19-year-old girl who tried to secure a man in a fetish way. According to the video, the lady wrote a man’s name on a piece of paper and made requests, before putting it into the strange-looking calabash.
Reacting to all of these, Jane asserted that going the jazz way to secure a man does not work. According to her, people who have tried this method are still desperately single and constantly meeting the wrong men.
She wrote, Wanna know the funny thing, E NO DEY WORK. Just wasting money that I can use to give away to increase your followers. Ask anyone that has tried it… look at all their lives at the end of it all, still desperately single and meeting the wrong men cuz they’ve sold their life to the devil.
Looking for love is like trying for pregnancy, it comes when you least expect it. This generation, once a man has money, the next thing them don find Instagram Babalawo to lock am. E no dey worrrrkkkkk.
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