In a heartwarming display of affection, popular TikToker, Purple Speedy surprises her boyfriend, Crispdal with an iPhone 16 and a luxurious trip to Dubai on his birthday.
This lavish gesture follows after the duo acquired their first car, a multimillion-naira ride.
In a latest Instagram post, Purple Speedy shared a video capturing the moment she surprised her lover with the lavish gifts.
The surprise, organized by Purple Speedy and her close associates, caught her boyfriend off guard.
He was seen beaming with joy as birthday songs were sung for him, and eagerly unwrapped his gifts.
“Happy birthday, my Jojo.Thanks is the least I can do for you. I genuinely care about you”,The post read.
The post’s comment section has been flooded with accolades for Purple Speedy, admiring her affection for her boyfriend, with others admiring their blossoming romance.
Watch the video below….
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