Canada-based comedian and show promoter, Maurice Imadu, also known as MC Morris has revealed that he is set to get controversial singer, Portable barred from a music tour in South Africa.
This comes few months after he got Portable dropped from shows which held in the United States and Canada due to his indiscipline.
According to Morris, when he took the decision Nigerians attacked him because they could not see what he had already foreseen.
In a post on his Instagram page, Morris added that the same people who criticised him are now thanking him for saving the country international embarrassment.
He said that he is already working on stopping the South African tour scheduled for November 3rd because he does not want Nigeria to export ‘nonsens’ to the world.
The talent manager stressed that until the Zazuu star unlearns and relearns some things about life, such actions would continue to be taken against him.
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