Prof Mcebisi Ndletyana says the foreign currency found in Cyril’s Phala Phala farm doesn’t constitute a great / serious crime on SABC Morning Live Show

According to the stellenbosch sponsored Prof Mcebisi Ndletyana the foreign currency found in Cyril’s farm doesn’t constitute a great / serious crime . He was interviewed by Sakina at morning live this morning. 

Reactions from South Africans: 

Johnson: “More Sakina, they must stop stressing about Phala Phala money and see to the country. If they just put half the energy in fighting corruption in this country it could be much better for us. They sit and wait for someone to make a mistake so they can be on bandwagon chasing clouds.”

Michael: Mdletyana is an embarrassment… What an embarrassing interview with Sakina…he is evading the phalaphala question 9/9..why must we care that a rape case is reported by a rapist.. Does that mean rape is not rape when it’s report by someone who is a rape convict 🤔🤣🤣🤣?. 

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