A pharmacist has dragged Nigerians who cannot speak their native language as adults.
He posted the tweet on his account, @MrMekzy, on the microblogging platform, X, where he is an influencer.
The pharmacist claims that it is weird that grown adults who were born and raised in Nigeria cannot speak their native language.
The man who speaks three Nigerian languages, Igbo, Hausa and Efik blamed adults who claimed they were not taught.
According to him, it is a decision and most people who claim their parents did not teach them weren’t just interested in learning.
In his words;
“I find it really weird that adults, born and raised in Nigeria cannot speak their language. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to speak your language as an adult. It’s nothing to be proud of tbh.”
See post below…
Some reactions to the post
@FynBoyAjebutter penned: “Some people see it as a flex that they are unable to speak their language. Doesn’t make any sense. If you can’t speak your language and you live in Nigeria then head de pain you. But then most times the parents encourage it.”
@FunmiKolz wrote: “It’s not their fault their can’t speak. My parents aren’t same tribe.”
@abazwhyllzz said: “It’s not a must to know how to speak your language sha. After all they’re not even using it in schools or churches or while carrying out transactions sef”
@Chimzybella agreed: “Very weird and it’s really bad and shameful.💔”
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