Popular Nollywood actress Chacha Eke took to her social media handle to make a public announcement as she declared a change to her full name.
The actress’s birth name is Charity Chinonso Eke, but professionally known as Chacha Eke. She became known as Chacha Eke Family after her marriage to her husband, Austin Faani in 2013.
Chacha Eke has revealed that she has changed her last name which belongs to her father and now, fully bears her husband’s name, Faani.
In a post shared on her official Instagram page, the 33 years old actress posted a copy of the newspaper that had reflected the change to her name.
The statement announcing the change to her name read;
“I formerly known and addressed as Charity Chimnonso Eke, now wishes to be addressed as Chacha Chimnonso Faani. All former documents remain valid. the general public and whom it may concern should take note.”
Mr. and Mrs. Faani recently announced the arrival of their 4th child on the 24th of April, 2021.
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