Nkechi Blessing, a popular Nollywood actress, has set the record straight in response to rumors of her engagement to her young boyfriend after being sighted wearing a wedding ring.
After netizens noticed the actress wearing a ring on her ring finger, many assumed she had been engaged to.
She debunked the rumours as she revealed that she’s just a ring lover and she’s using the act to advertise for an accessories business.
She went ahead to cautioned people to stop assuming she’s engaged when they see a ring on her finger.
She said:
“I am going to say this for the very last time and I won’t say it again. Anytime you see me wearing rings, especially on this finger, don’t come and start writing things like “Oh congratulations, oh dem do finally engage her.”
“Even when I single, you go see ring for this finger, when I dey relationship you go see ring for this finger, I have said this several times I am a lover of rings, I love wearing rings on this finger and wherever I chose to wear my rings shouldn’t be your business.
“Cut me some slack guys, what is this? So abeg make una stop to dey write congratulations. It is just something I love and I cannot do without it just because you have a problem with it.”
See her post below:
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