Nigerian government to send first citizen to space

Nigeria’s Federal Government has unveiled a historic initiative to send the country’s first citizen into space.

Dr Mathew Adepoju, Director General of the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), revealed this pioneering initiative at a news conference in Abuja.

Dr. Adepoju said that Nigeria has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Space Exploration and Research Agency (SERA) to advance this ambitious initiative.

He emphasized that this collaboration marks a significant milestone in Nigeria’s 25th anniversary of space exploration, placing the country among those actively involved in human spaceflight.

 Nigerian government to send first citizen to space
Dr Mathew Adepoju, Director General of the National Space Research and Development Agency

“This initiative opens up new avenues for scientific research and technological advancement,” stated Dr. Adepoju.

He emphasized how this initiative has the potential to advance technology and spark young people in Nigeria’s interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields.

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