I was enjoying my night rest when I heard a loud knock on my door .around 1am this morning
The knocks were so loud that I jumped up .. the first thing that came to my mind was armed robbers ,
Then I heard my name , the voice was that of My single neighbor.. but what could be the problem I asked myself .
I jumped to the sitting room and try checking the windows to be sure she was not followed , normally I would have pretended to be fast asleep but this my neighbor was actually nice to me..
Easy going and very respectful….
I took a leap of faith and opened my doors ,
She rushed in. “Bros please sorry to bother you this late , but there is a snake in my kitchen, come and help me kill it “… she begged with fear in her eyes
Omo I weak. If there is anything I fear more than God then it has to be snakes … The name snake alone sends shivers down my spine…
I stepped back from her a bit cos only God knows if the same snake had not followed her into my house or am I hearing double ?..
‘ sorry what did you say is in your kitchen again ‘… I asked hoping and praying she says snails and not snakes ….
“I said a long black snake is in my kitchen ,I woke up to get water from the fridge when I saw it ,I ran out immediately ,please come help me kill it my daughter is still inside sleeping”….
The first thought that came to my mind was
“What kind of mother run out of the house leaving her daughter inside with a snake “….
And why on earth did this woman think I’m the best person to call to kill a snake ..me that fear rat ..not to talk of snake…
After much thinking I decided to help her ,the woman sees me as an able man that’s why she came to me and I must not fall my hand..
I grabbed the stick attached to my mop and a knife,I turned to her and told her. “LET’S GO”…
When we got to her door I did my cross sign ,if I die I die ..
Although I have no plans to die yet but I said that to motivate and ginger myself
,I opened the door and walked in , immediately I was inside the door locked behind me ,
I turned and realized the woman did not follow me in,omo…I quickly tried opening the door but it was jammed and refuses to open….
To make matters worse nepa took the light..
Chai …I started sweating immediately…there was no torch and I don’t even know where the snake is at the moment …..
As if that was not enough I felt something circling around my leg..I took my mop and gave it a big hit ….I continue hitting whatever it is…until I heard a baby crying that’s when.I realized it was the daughter I have been hitting with mop stick….
The woman hearing her daughter voice tried to come in but the door was locked ..she was saying something about how I can unlock the door but my soul had already left me…. Na die I dey already…
A voice says to me. ‘ Who send you ‘
That was how I woke up from my sleep.
What Were You Expecting?
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