Information reaching hitztv.com.ng has it that Mr T shared a clip of him getting jab for Flu shot and COVID-19 Booster Vaccine.
Mr T wrote: “Thank GOD, thank GOD! I just got my Flu shot and COVID-19 Booster Vaccine! I feel great, thanks again to all the Doctors and Nurses on the front line! #stayinghealthy #IPityTheFool.”
His name is Mr. T and not Dr. T. or T, M.D. So he didn’t offer his own medical advice. Instead, Mr. T simply re-iterated and followed what real medical doctors and public health experts have been recommending. Apparently, he’s gotten the Covid-19 vaccine booster and has been continuing to wear a face mask and social distance after getting fully vaccinated.
He ain’t listening to any jibber about the Covid-19 jabber offering 100% protection either. He seemed to realize that the Covid-19 vaccine is not like a full-body concrete condom. It can’t offer 100% protection, which is why face mask wearing and social distancing remain important until high enough vaccination coverages are achieved to really interrupt transmission of the virus.
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