The singer made the shocking revelation in a TikTok video posted on August 21, 2024, where she criticized the religion’s influence on individuals’ lives.
“Can I tell you why I don’t believe in Christianity? I don’t think I had a choice. The foundation of Christianity is control and fear. It is living your whole life experience out of a book,” Vivian asserted, drawing parallels to how the Bible is used to justify actions that she believes can harm others.
Vivian’s bold statements didn’t stop there. She went on to criticize how the Bible dictates every aspect of a person’s life, questioning the validity of a single book governing human existence.
“All your choices, everything about who you are, is determined by one book. And someone can hate you, condemn you, ostracize you, belittle you, dehumanize you, and justify all of these actions by using this one book which they call the holy book. That’s wrong,” she continued.
For Vivian, the essence of life isn’t tied to religious texts but to a larger, universal connection.
She emphasized the power of the human soul and creativity, which she feels is stifled by religious dogma.
“I believe in the power of our souls, in the power of creation, in the power of creativity. I believe that we are part of a bigger world, a big universe. We are all connected,” she explained.
The singer also addressed the role of women in Christianity, criticizing the belief that women are secondary to men according to biblical teachings.
“The book makes women an afterthought because the man was created first, and then the woman was created to serve the man. Yet it is the woman who creates and carries life in her body. So at what point do we say that this one book has the right to govern our lives? It’s not right,” Vivian argued, taking aim at what she sees as the gender bias within the religion.
Vivian’s denunciation of Christianity didn’t end there. She described the religion as a “disease” and a “brainwash,” claiming it’s an institution designed to control the masses while empowering a select few.
“Christianity is like a disease. It is a brainwash. It is an institution that seeks to empower a few people and disempower everybody else,” she stated, urging her followers to take control of their own lives.
“You and I must take power into our hands. We must understand that we hold the power to be, to create, expand, and grow. To elevate and speak freedom, light, and love. These actions cannot be restricted to a book,” she emphasized, encouraging others to move beyond religious teachings.
The singer also shared her negative experiences with religious institutions, revealing the pain and manipulation she encountered during her time in Bible school and in her relationship with someone who identified as a ‘kingdom ambassador’.
“I have been in all those places, but the level of pain, control, and manipulation that is there can only lead you to your death. Believe me when I say Christianity is a cult,” Vivian declared.
In response to Vivian’s viral video, social media influencer and Marini Naturals CEO, Michelle Ntalami, took to Instagram to express her concern.
Ntalami, who has shared spiritual conversations with Vivian in the past, was taken aback by the singer’s statements.
“Viv nooo… Just the other day we had such a deep conversation about God, and we were so in tune,” Ntalami wrote, sharing her disbelief.
She urged Vivian to reconsider her stance, reminding her that it’s not Christians they follow, but Christ Himself.
“Following the latter will leave you in doubt and disarray. All of humanity is fallen, Christians included,” Michelle advised.
Ntalami continued by encouraging Vivian to forgive those who have hurt her and to keep her focus on Jesus.
“There’s not one righteous. Forgive those who hurt you, remove yourself and just keep fixing your eyes on Jesus. ‘Universe’ and ‘self-belief’ is the devil disguising himself as an angel of light. Don’t let him win. Fight the good fight. Believe me there is no life outside of Christ. I am praying for you, you got this sis,” Michelle added, citing a Bible verse to emphasize her point.
Vivian, however, remained firm in her resolve, responding to Michelle’s plea by saying that her mind is “clear as day.”
She acknowledged the many preachings she’s heard in the past but stated that nothing would sway her new beliefs.
“Hi gurrl. I hear you, been there… been preached to… the whole Shabang. My mind is clear as day. I believe in spirituality,” the singer wrote, standing by her controversial decision.
Related: Former Lesbian Michelle Ntalami Gets Saved Accepts Jesus
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