Loyle Carner Reconciles His Identity On ‘Georgetown’ | News

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Following the soaring polemics of ‘Hate’, Loyle Carner shares the confessional ‘Georgetown’, a track where the rapper excavates untapped parts of his artistry through the tapestry of his personal history.

Produced by hip hop progenitor Madlib and featuring Afro-Guyanese poet-playwright John Agard, Carner draws on the precarity of growing up mixed-raced, finally embracing and reconciling both sides of his identity. Madlib’s gauzy production provides the foundation for the South London rapper to unload his most dense and dialled-in bars to date. Of the song’s inspiration, Carner says:
John Agard’s poem “Half-caste” had a heavy impact on me. To see someone who was older, that looked like me, sharing a reflection of a similar lived experience made me feel comfortable/proud to not fit in. It kinda gave me the permission to finally write explicitly about being mixed. There’s so much beauty in the gaps in-between, and in some ways this song touches on that. For me, it’s about finding this inner confidence through understanding of self, and spending time back home. It is a representation of finally feeling like one whole person instead of two halves. Also another piece of the MADloyle puzzle. More on the hard drive.

‘Georgetown’ comes accompanied with a video shot in the titular location in Guyana, South America, directed by Machine Operated.

Loyle Carner – Georgetown ft. John Agard

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