An old video of Queen Mercy sobbingly recounting her and Lord Lamba’s ordeal, in which his mother denied him to marry a non-Igbo woman, has gone viral.
In the video, Queen could be seen crying about the fact that when the child was 8 months old, Lord Lamba only spent 3 days straight with her because of the presence of his mother.
She indicated that the remainder of his time with his daughter was simply a visit and go situation.
Queen stated that every time she attempted to persuade Lord Lamba to spend quality time with them as a family, he ignored her and once turned his phone to aeroplane mode while she was on her way to his house.
She revealed that while she was trying to get his attention, he had another Igbo woman on the side and she had no idea.
A Nigerian blogger allegedly states that Lamba’s mother did not like Queen because of her tribe and requested that a DNA test be carried out as soon as the baby was born.
After it was proven that the baby was his child, Lamba’s mother disapproved any union between them, claiming she had a vision that Queen was wayward.
Cutie wrote:
So on the first day when Queen took she and Lamba’s daughter to go meet Lamba’s mother for the first time in that child’s life, there was already issues waiting to meet her on the first day she ever stepped foot in her father’s house.
On getting to the house, Queen met a doctor already waits for for she and her child to take samples of the child for DNA.
Lamba’s mother will not have anything to do with the child until after DNA.
Lamba’s excuse was that his mom said she’s had visions and believes Queen is wayward.
Queen had to swear this is never true. Well long story short, they took the child’s samples for DNA and it came out that 99.9% positive confirming the child is for Lamba.
Fast forward to the child’s dedication. Queen and her people suggested the child dedication be done in Lamba’s mother’s church. The woman refused and said that she doesn’t want her church members to know that her son had a child with a “wayward non-Igbo girl”.
If you check Lamba’s mother social media pages and WhatsApp, she posts her other grandchildren but not Queen’s child because according to her, “Queen is wayward”.
Lamba’s mother also said that Princess doesn’t have Lamba’s nose and so she still have some doubts even after DNA test.
Even when blogs leaked that Queen has a child for Lamba, the mother blamed Queen of leaking the issue to blogs despite she [the mother] warning her that they as a family doesn’t want the public to know Lamba has gotten her pregnant.
As at when the child was 8 months, that child had only slept in Lamba’s house for 3 times because Lamba’s mother is often around and also Lamba was seeing his Igbo girlfriend.
The girl has gone to delete all her posts and that of Lamba yesterday lmao
TBC… 👩🦯
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