Kodak Black Gives Out Free AC Units To His Community

Kodak Black and his associates hand out a truck full of brand new air conditioner units.

Although the most devastating news related to the current heatwave has arisen from the Pacific Northwest, there are still troubling temperatures and draughts affecting areas on the East Coast. To help his community safely combat this summer’s alarmingly hot temperatures, Kodak Black has stepped up and put his riches to much better use than his recent wasteful antics.

Newly surfaced videos show the Haitian Boy Kodak artist giving out free air conditioner units to the people in his community, right in time for the holiday weekend. Check out the feel-good footage compiled by The Neighborhood Talk below

In the video, fans can see an entire moving truck filled with boxes of air conditioner units parked at a local park while Kodak Black and his associates deliver them to various people. Seeing that Kodak is shirtless while carrying boxes, one can only assume that the temperatures in his community have reached unbearable heights as well. The local residents appear to be extremely thankful for Kodak’s kind gesture, as the video is filled with people saying “thank you.”

Kudos to Kodak for offering a helping hand out to his community!

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