Khosi confronts Yemi Cregx for flirting with Blue Aiva

Big Brother Titans housemate, Khosi caught her love interest, Yemi Cregx flirting with her rival, Blue Aiva and she was not having it.


The housemates got in a celebratory mood this evening following their weekly wager task win. Their pool party kick-started after the wager and everyone was having a good time.

The couples shared some intimate moments in the pool, while others were generally grooving and having a chilled time.

Blue Aiva

While this was ongoing, Yemi Cregx, who earlier shared a kiss with Khosi in the pool was seen flirting with Blue Aiva. Khsoi was not going to keep mute. She walks up to him to set things straight.

Yemi Cregx

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