The mother of two daughters still seems unwilling to discuss in detail the issue of co-parenting in the upbringing of his lastborn who was sired by Lung’aho.
This was revealed when she was asked a question about the steps taken by Lung’aho in the whole matter of raising their daughter Zendaya.
Cleverly, Matubia avoided the question and asked YouTuber Nicholas Kioko to continue with another question, as she was not ready to talk about it.
“It’s been almost two years since you had your second child with Blessing Lung’aho and at some point you broke up, so are you still working together to raise the child or not?” Kioko asked.
Despite the long time that has passed since the birth of Zendaya, Matubia wisely rejected the question, answering briefly;
“Another question?”
It will be remembered that last year, Matubia shared a video on her YouTube channel with deep emotions where she said that it has not been easy for her as a mother of two daughters without any help.
In the video, she said that only God has been holding her and her daughters, pointing out that Lung’aho since he quietly left his life, stopped his support for his daughter.
“God has really been at the center of our lives, me and my daughters, He has held me tight when everything in my life was falling apart. God held my hand and assured me that He is Alpha and Omega. He has been a father to my daughters and He has been a pillar of support,” Matubia said.
“It has been a very difficult time, several months ago I have been through fire and to be honest I have seen the hand of God,” she added.
Later in a series of videos on the same channel, the mother of two daughters took a subliminal shot at Lung’aho as she advised women when they want to date that they should choose an intelligent man.
Related: Jackie Matubia Speaks On Her Fate After 2 Failed Marriages
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