“Is he possessed or something?”

Venita, a current Big Brother All Stars housemate, was seen dragging Chizzy yesterday after his judgment of their wager.

During the wager yesterday, Big Brother invited some past housemates to serve as judges for the wager. Ex-housemates Chizzy, Ozo, and Vandora were entrusted with evaluating the performance of the current housemates for this particular wager.

“Is he possessed or something?” - Venita drags Chizzy for scoring a low mark for wager
BBNaija All Stars housemate Venita. Source: Instagram

Among the judges for the house, Friday wager presentation was Chizzy. After the housemate’s performance, he awarded the overall wager performance a startlingly low score of 2.5.

Given the difficulty of the exercise, Vandora’s score of 4 and Ozo’s score of 5 both appeared about average. But everyone was taken aback by Chizzy’s performance.

The housemates won their wager for the week despite receiving low scores.

Venita Akpofure however couldn’t hold back her astonishment when Chizzy’s score was revealed. “Is he possessed or something?” she had stated while conversing with some of the housemates.

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