Actress Juliana Olayode has cried out, stating that she thinks she might be bewitched because of her recent struggle with sex.
The former Jenifa’s Diary actress who revealed that she has been abstaining from sex in a video posted on Instagram, also narrated her struggles.
According to the 27-year-old celibate, the temptation to have sex has been on the increase for the past few months. She added that she might consider marriage as an option to satisfy her desires as suggested by the Biblical Apostle Paul.
Addressing her followers in a playfully manner, Juliana said:
“It’s getting more difficult to abstain from sex. God I don’t know. Everything in my head is screaming sex, sex, sex. The same pressure that you go through,I go through even worse and I have to put my body in control.
Let me tell you the conversation I had with God. I was like ‘God Paul said that of we know that our body is going jigi jigi we can marry already’ so I’m thinking, the way that my body is doing me, I’m thinking of getting married for sex.”
Captioning the post, the actress continued:
“I have never struggled sexually like have these past few months. The temptations were HUGE!! AMBIGUOUS!!! was almost thinking I was bewitched, think say persin jazz me.
“Thank God for God!! Again was reminded that on this journey, your strength will fail you and that it takes God to please God. We can not walk this path relying on our own strength, else we will FALL! decided to share my struggles, just to encourage at least one person and so some of y’all who think have “super powers” would know that have flesh and blood just like y’all and abstaining from sex /staying sexually pure is a decision have to constantly make everyday. This is also to encourage somebody who is almost giving up on this journey to hang in there, remember WHY you started, and draw strength from God and his word.”
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