A lovely Ghanaian woman astonished people on social media when she bought a license plate despite not possessing a car at all.
The event was filmed in a video labeled “Ever seen someone without a car buying a license plate before?”
In the video, the woman shows the license plate and says, “I don’t have a car, but I’ll buy a plate!” She made her claim with excitement.
Meanwhile, social media users swamped the video’s comment area with their comments as soon as it appeared live.
See some reactions below:
Big_d_nailedit: “That’s a sign of victory.”
Jehushiesty: “My sister you’re buying the car gradually next buy tyre.”
LA EXIST: “money ago take buy plate saf ano get.”
Baby Trey: “Uno fit buy plate if you no get car 😂 by now go check she get car.”
Selorm Afari: “You do all. sisterhood is proud of u.”
Kim Chucks: “Na this kind faith I wan get.”
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