Popular media personality and artiste, VJ Adams has revealed why he believes men cheat on their women and how to make it difficult for them to cheat.
He began by stating that both the male and female gender cheat, band there is no clear statistics as to who cheats more.
Addressing the female gender, VJ Adams said they make it too easy for men to cheat by not contributing financially to the maintenance of the home.
According to the media personality, men make it hard for women to cheat because they are financial stable. The men contribute heavily to the welfare of their home but women on the other hand make it too easy for their lovers to cheat because they are not financial independent, they love living large and depend mostly on their men for survival.
Vj Adams added that if women contribute to a good extent, the running of the home, the men will think of the implication of losing them by cheating, which will in turn prevent them from having side chics.
He therefore encouraged ladies to make it hard for their men to cheat by contributing to the upkeep of their home. See video below:
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