Funke Akindele Sent JJC Out Of Her House, Reason Why Most Men Avoid “Independent Women”

Hello Guys,

In case you haven’t heard, JJC Skillz and Funke Akindele’s marriage has crashed and everyone has gone their separate ways.

Just in case you haven’t read the News, read below 👇

BREAKING NEWS:- JJC Skills & Funke Akindele Marriage Has Crashed (Read Here)

So sad to see their beautiful marriage come to an end but everyone who has been following the Entertainment industry closely will notice they have been having issues for the past 2 years they are trying to patch things up so the marriage can keep working but both parties have finally decided to end things and go their separate ways.

Funke Akindele’s Trouble With Everyone

Go online and search, Funke Akindele had problems with almost everyone in her team and this further shows she’s a problematic person – I stand to be corrected.

Her issues with Toyo baby and many others is a proof that she will be a very difficult person to deal with.

Now, let’s leave that and focus on the business of the day.

Her Issues With Her Husband JJC

According to claims online, Funke Akindele sent her husband out of the House because she owns it.

They live together in Amen Estate and the house belongs to Funke but any little misunderstanding between them, according to our Source, she will send his husband packing.

Now, see this 👇

You saw that right?

Now, this is the reason 95% of Men don’t want independent women.

Not that we don’t want them to be successful but women can be extremely frustrating and will definitely misbehave when they make a better income than their spouses.

Now, this balls down to the question of the day 👇

Can An Independent Women Who Is Successful Be Very Respectful To Her Husband?

Let’s hear from you all as regards this.

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