A Nigerian nanny becomes the latest landlady in Abuja as her boss gifts her a new house after 10 years of service to their family.
A video making the rounds on social media captured the emotional moment a hardworking nanny reaped the fruits of her labour from her employer.
The woman had been with the family for a decade and had deligently carried out her duty of taking care of her employer’s children and family as a whole.
As a token of her loyalty to the family, she was handed the keys to a new house of her own outrightly paid for by her boss.
The video has since generated a wave of emotions on social media as many applauded of truly deserving the gift.
Reactions trailing nanny gifted a house by employer after 10 years of service
Hijay cosmeticz said: “This is so beautiful.”
Aisha O wrote: “A God bless you and yours.”
MurphyLolo557 commented: “Wow, Godbless you.”
voltagequeen2221 penned: “Wow ,Godbless you🙏🙏”
Watch the video below …
@metuo_visuals Natasha Appreciate Nanny’s 10 years of Service With A New House in Abuja. #viral #E2DWORLD #natasha #viraltiktok #nigeriantiktok🇳🇬 #today #Abuja #Landlady #kogi #Delta
♬ original sound – Metuo_Visuals
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