BREAKING NEWS: Due to injuries suffered by @gigidolin_wwe, Toxic Attraction is out of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament.
A “Second Chance” Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Match will occur this Friday on #SmackDown.
Reactions from fans:
Michael: people say candice & indi but indi is being teased with dexter &dexter has only been messing with raw
a possibility could be 3 womens teams and a mystery team, the mystery team being sasha and naomi, dakota and iyo vs boss glow finals, unless they’re surprising the winners still.
Paula: i hope this “change” Alvarez shit out involves sasha and naomi coming back to take on the winners of the tournament so twitter can stfu about sasha and naomi
Matteo: I’m so over this women’s tag tournament. Like at this point if Sasha and Naomi return and are awarded the titles back I’ll settle for that.
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